An adult person normally has between 100.000 and 150.000 hair that are continuously renewed. A person normally loses between 50 and 100 hair a day, but the total number of hair remains more or less constant. The life of the hair proceeds in cycles, divided into three phases:
The Life Cycle of Hair

(growing or active phase)
The active growth phase of hair follicles; approx. 80% of the hair is in this phase, the longest of the hair life cycle (lasting 3 to 5 years).

(resting phase)
The shortest of the hair cycle (approx. 3 weeks) during which the development phase is interupted; is is also a phase of intense activity because a new hair begins to form inside the bulb.

(falling phase)
The falling phase of the hair cycle. Eventually each hair will be lost or shed at the end of its cycle being “pushed out” by the newly growing hair. The phase lasts approx. 3 months.